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What do you get from Ackoastro
Online Horoscope?

Panchanga Predictions
Vedic astrology divides the circle of 12 zodiacs into 27 stars or constellations. This along with nithya yoga or birth yoga is used to create your Panchanga predictions. it reveal your basic personality features, traits and temperament, and then provides subsequent predictions.

Bhava Predictions
In this report you can identify your 12 houses/bhavas and under-stand the life factors they control (factors like your personality, relationships, wealth, career, education and marriage).

Favourable Periods
The reoprt studies your dasas and apaharas, the houses and the planetary positions to generate favourable for your marriage, career, business and house construction.

Remedies and Recommendations
Our report can help you overcome the challenges and obstacles in life. The report checks for Kuja dosha, Rahu dosha and Ketu dosha. Moreover, your birth star inflicts some peculiar characteristics in you that can cause difficulties in life; this report gives you birth star based remedies as well.